UCMed Joins PRIME Program
The University of Cebu Medical Center (UCMed), through the University of Cebu Nursing Institute (UCNI), has participated on the PRIME Program initiated by the multinational medical technology company, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD).
The PRIME Program, which stands for Preventing Risks of Infections and Medication Errors in IV Therapy, was developed by the Joint Commission International for Patient Safety to help organizations work toward “zero harm.”
To achieve its goal, PRIME Program is designed to provide training on fundamental skills associated with injectable medication preparation and administration.
Training on the selection, use, and maintenance of venous access devices is also included in the program in order to improve the quality and safety of patient care.
UC Nursing Institute is the main entity involved in the program which is currently led by its Executive Director Marijo Garcia, together with the Nurse Educators Kimberly Ann Lovely, Jinda Genayas, Sam Angelo Estrella, and Niño Jan Miole.
UCMed Medical Director, Dr. Armando Tan, said UCMed as a healthcare institution, has the obligation to identify opportunities, including global relationships and collaboration, to do things better so the patients’ safety is further enhanced.
“Through this hallmark program, it will have our hospital enhance (the) clinical outcomes by minimizing complications and improving safety for patients,” said Dr. Tan.
Other hospitals that have participated in the program launching last June 15, 2022 came from South Korea and Indonesia, with UCMed as the only participating hospital from the Philippines.