UCMed FAMED Department’s Residency Training Program Gets Accreditation

The Residency Training Program (RTP) of UCMed’s Department of Family and Community Medicine has been accredited by the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians, Inc. as a new program.

The University of Cebu Medical Center (UCMed) has lauded the Department of Family and Community Medicine for the new accreditation status as it now authorizes the department to train resident doctors from the field of Family Medicine.

The accreditors notified Dr. Roxanne Bongon, the department’s chairperson, about the good news through a letter dated February 16, 2022.

The Department of Family and Community Medicine aims to have its residency training program be at the forefront in training future family physicians.

The department strives to provide comprehensive, collaborative, and continuous medical care to every family and to the community which are aligned with the hospital’s mission and vision, and are anchored to the core values coined as FAMED – Family-focused; Altruistic; Multidimensional; Excellence; and Dignity.

To date, the department has 37 consultants. Of the 37, 10 are active staff while 27 are visiting doctors. There are 2 consultants who have subspecialty in the area of Hospice & Palliative Care.

With a vibrant and committed pool of specialist and with the supportive hospital administration, the Department of Family and Community Medicine can help achieve the national vision of providing competent physicians rendering healthcare services for every Filipino family.

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UCMed Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

UCMed eHealth for Maternity Package Deal Program

Last updated:  March 24, 2020

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To better serve the needs of people in the community, health care services are now available by the electronic transmission of information. This may assist in the evaluation, diagnosis, management and treatment of a number of health care problems for the women enrolled in UCMed Maternity Package Deal Program.  This process is referred to as “telemedicine” ,“telehealth” or “eHealth.” This means that you may be evaluated and treated by a health care provider or specialist from a distant location. Since this may be different than the type of consultation with which you are familiar, it is important that you understand and agree to the following statements.

  1. The eHealth OB-Gyn healthcare provider will be at a different location from me.
  2. I may be asked for my medical history, examinations, x-rays, tests, photographs or other images by the specialist who is at a different location.
  3. I will be informed if any additional personnel are to be present other than myself, individuals accompanying me, and the eHealth OB-Gyn healthcare provider. I will give my permission prior to the entry of the additional personnel.
  4. The eHealth OB-Gyn healthcare provider will keep a record of the consultation in my medical record.
  5. RELEASE OF INFORMATION: eHealth OB-Gyn healthcare providers who provide professional services to the patient are authorized to furnish medical information from my emergency medical record to the another physician, if any, and to any insurance company or third party payer for the purpose of obtaining payment of the account. eHealth OB-Gyn healthcare provider is authorized to release information from my medical record to any other health care facility or provider to which my care may be transferred.
  6. I voluntarily consent to health care services provided by my doctor(s) or a designee, which may include diagnostic tests, drugs, examinations, and medical or surgical treatments considered necessary to treat my health problem.
  7. I understand that I may be released before all my medical problems are known or treated and it is my responsibility to make arrangements for follow-up care.
  8. I understand that I have the option to refuse eHealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care or treatment and without risk losing my benefits.

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